Following God – Truth
Exodus 34:6 says: “And the Lord passed by before him, and proclaimed, The Lord, The Lord God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abundant in goodness and truth…”,
In what ways can you do these in your daily walk with God and with your neighbor: Abundant in Truth.
Jesus said “I am the way, the truth, and the life.”
Do you know someone who when they tell you something, you can count on it being true? This is what it means to say God is abundant in truth. He won’t deceive you, trick you, manipulate you.
When God says He loves you, you can count on it to be truth.
What does it mean to be abundant in truth to your neighbor?
It does not mean to use truth as an excuse to hurt someone. Too often this is the case. Saying things like, ‘well I was just being truthful…’, ‘I’m an honest person so I have to tell you…’ Sometimes this is true, but often it is an excuse to diminish someone, not to love them.
Abundant in truth means you won’t deceive someone, especially won’t deceive them to hurt them, to take something from them, or to dishonestly promote yourself, or to dishonestly dimmish those who you dislike.
It means you won’t be a tale bearer, telling something you don’t know, or speculating on something that makes others look bad.
Many times, this takes the form of exaggeration to try to make our point. This might be statements like ‘everyone says….’ ‘he never tells the truth…’.
Or you project that you know the secrets of the heart, when you don’t ‘he’s only out for his own self…’
There may be pressure to deny truth for social or political advantage. Don’t do it.
There will be times when truth is hard to say and hard to hear. This will be those very rare and extraordinary times, maybe times when you cry while because you love the person so much, and want their good so much.
Are you a person who is abundant in truth?
The more you practice, the more you can be abundant in truth. Honor God. God will greatly reward your practice.