Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,(Ephesians 3:20)
What a powerful verse. All scripture is inspired by God, so it’s God speaking to us. What He tells us is unlimited and almost beyond human comprehension.
It would have amazing if He had said:
He is able to do that we ask.
But He went so far beyond that.
He is able to exceeding. Both exceeding and abundantly. And not just exceeding abundantly but also above. And not just exceeding abundantly above, but above “all”.
Notice it’s not just something better than we could ask for, but He says, it’s better than we could even think.
Sometimes we need help and cry out to God, it’s like just give the bare minimum to get by, to get out of this circumstance. Help us to barely get by. Just tolerate; just endure; just eke by so that we can continually struggle
We would be so astounded and appreciative of that. God is so much greater than that.
Then there are times when most of us can ask some big things. So big we might think do I dare to even ask. God is so much greater than that.
Most of us can think some might big things, some great dreams, aspirations, wishes, dare to hope against hope. God is so much greater than that.
How is it that He able to do much much bigger, greater and better than we can even think?
God always wants the best for us. He has plans for us bigger than we can know, greater than we can know. Better than we can know.
Surrender your whole life and your whole will to Jesus Christ. Give Hin your fears, anxieties, worries, disappointments, sadness, and your hopes and dreams.
Can you believe today? Can you accept His word to you? That He is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think.