Seeking God First

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. – Matthew 5:33

This amazing verse in the Bible is about how God knows our heart, and wants our love and fellowship with Him. The verses before this are taking about prayer and about all the things we need.

Jobs, houses, cars, money, relationships, respect, honor, and other material things are things we need or want.  It’s easy to get weighted down with all the needs we have, and all the wants we have. There is nothing wrong with needs and wants, we are made to have them.

Sometimes seeking things overwhelm us. They can discourage us and make us anxious and worrry. When we realize that what we most need to do is seek God, it brings us peace.

The verse above tells us to put God first, and seek Him and His ways above seeking all the other things. The Bible says God knows we have need of all these things.

When we put God first, He is going to provide all we need.

Trust God today, and seek His kingdom and righteous above all else.