One of the best things that can happen to you is a spirit of Thanksgiving.
It may be that at times we give thanks, but don’t think about it very much. It may be that we give thanks because we feel it’s something we “should” do.
Real thanksgiving is to pause and recognize how good the bless is that we have been given.
Sometimes we complain about our job. Yet if we didn’t have a job we would be desperately seeking a job, any job, so that we can earn a living and have money coming in.
The same with the house we have, the car we have, the clothing we have the food we eat. When we truly appreciate it, we realize that God has been good to us.
In this season of thanksgiving, challenge yourself to not just go through the motions, but to be truly, with sincerity of heart, thankful for the blessing you have been giving.
O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever. – Psalms 136:1