Seek Ye First

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. – Matthew 6:33

In the verse above, Jesus had talked about how God knows that we need things here on this earth – food, clothing, shelter. While we need and seek these things, it’s important to put God above all other things we seek. The promise is that when we make the kingdom of God and his righteousness the first priority in our life, God will provide all the other  things.

Take a minute and reflect. What are you priorities? God knows our heart, and He knows what are priorities are.

When we determine to seek God first, it will transform our lives in many ways.

Let’s mention three of those ways.

First, it will transform our attitude toward the things we need or desire. When God is most important in our life, then we can begin to put other things into proper perspective. We will, of course, still want and need other things. Out attitude will change when we truly in our heart come to realize that we have what is most important, and nothing can take that away. While

Second, it will transform our lives in regard to the setbacks and disappointments we experience. We will surely suffer setbacks and disappointments in this life, because we live in a fallen world. This is not heaven, we are seeking heaven. When seeking God is our priority, we will realize that even the worst setbacks and disappointments will not destroy us.

Third, it will transform our reactions to other people. When we sincerely believe that God is our exceeding great reward, then we know that we do not have promote ourselves or defend ourselves. God will take care of us, and there is none greater.

Focus on seeking the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and everything else will fall into place.