It’s Free and Cost Everything

Salvation is free, and it cost everything. Yes, that is funny and sounds not possible. Some have said (more accurately) that salvation is free to us, then discipleship cost everything.

Salvation is a free gift from God. That is abundantly clear in many scriptures, such as Ephesians 2:9: “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast.”

Christ paid the debt for all sin, bought the way for all to be saved, just by accepting His free gift by faith. There’s no amount of work you can do to receive God’s salvation. You can’t be good enough, can’t do enough good deeds to ever be worthy of heaven. God cannot allow sin into heaven. Who would want to be in a heaven if it was full of sin? It had to be paid for. It was paid by Christ at Calvary. That gift has to be accepted in order to obtain that forgiveness of sin, for the person to be forgiven and to accept the redeeming work of Christ.

So, salvation is free.

Once we accept salvation, we realize that our all is in Christ. We know His ways is the best possible way for our life, and we want to follow His ways – we want to to become His disciple. We give our lives to Christ. We are not perfect. But we invite Christ into every aspect of our lives. It’s our joy to serve Him, to give Him everything.

So, it cost us everything.

That everything is something we enthusiastically give. We give our all, because we know Christ gave His all, and our best life will be found through giving Him our all.

God has a great plan for your life.