Thomas saith unto him, Lord, we know not whither thou goest; and how can we know the way?
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. – John 14: 5-6
Thomas asked Jesus a very important question? How can we know the way?
Our society (indeed, the human nature) does not like absolutes. Our human nature wants many ways. Each person make up their own way, whatever they want, whatever they think, that’s the way it is.
They are offended when they are told that God has a way. They are highly offended, maybe even outraged, when they are told that Jesus said He is the way.
It goes against those who claim to be tolerant. The anything goes crowd. The only thing that they won’t accept is someone who believes the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They will ridicule you, persecute you, seek to minimize you, even hope for your destruction.
What we end up with is a world of confusion. No values. No right and wrong, and won’t tolerate anyone saying there is right and wrong. We insist schools call wrong right and right wrong. We elect politicians who appease our sense of anything goes. We go to churches who don’t take a stand against anything. All this, and then when crime is out of control, these same people act surprised, as if they don’t know why.
Fortunately, Jesus is the solution. There is no confusion with God. It has always been settled for eternity. Jesus is the way. His atoning (pay for) sacrifice has paid for your salvation. Forever.
Not only did Jesus say, I am the way. He also is the truth. And the life. We can trust Him for everything.