Never Forsaken

“For the Lord will not forsake his people for his great name’s sake: because it hath pleased the Lord to make you his people.” – I Samuel 12:22

This scripture teaches us that God will not leave his people. When you become a child of God, He will not abandon you.

This gives great comfort because often people do abandon us. Maybe we do something, maybe we sin, maybe we fail, maybe someone is just disappointed in us and decides to have nothing to do with us. Maybe they didn’t really care about us. Perhaps they were just with us for their own benefit.

Sometimes they abandon us as a way to punish us, a what to control us, a why to show they have power over us. Sometimes they just don’t care. Sometimes they just can’t help it, they are struggling with their own demons.

It hurts to feel abandoned, forsaken, left alone.

Why is it that God will not forsake you? Is it because you are good? You never sin? You never make mistakes? You never disappoint?

No. His staying with you is not dependent on you at all. It is because of who He is, “for his great name’s sake”. It shows His greatness and pure nature. The great joy, the great beauty of it is that it is not dependent on you at all. You never have to wonder about it, you never have to worry about it.

The Lord will not forsake His people.