Great Reward

Be clear: salvation does not come by works, but God does reward our works.

A reward is defined as something given in return for something done.

Even small rewards are appreciated and make a difference in our lives. Think about a reward you may give a child or a reward someone may give you. It makes the giver and the receiver feel good.

Is there a reward you can give today that will make some’s day?

We can only give rewards when we have the ability to give them. Most of us can’t award someone with a luxury car are a beautiful mansion. But all of us can award someone with a smile, a kind word, a compliment, an expression of appreciation, or an expression of confidence in the person.

What if we could give – or receive – a great reward? How exciting that would be!

The person giving the reward would have to have the ability to give it. A great reward would be something would amaze us, delight us, be beyond what we could imagine.

 You know where this is going. God has the ability to give great rewards – beyond anything we could ever hope for. Today and in the future.

In Psalms 19 we are told some things that will bring great reward. Here they are:

The law of the Lord…

The testimony of the Lord…

The statutes of the Lord…

The commandment of the Lord…

The fear of the Lord…

The judgements of the Lord…

These things are to be desired more than gold! “…in keeping them there is great reward.”

You won’t be perfect in all of those things. But you can seek them, by keeping as best you can, a little each day, you move toward great reward.

You can have great reward in the Lord.