Gracious Words

It’s easy to speak unkind, angry, self-centered words. Maybe it’s the frustrations of life, disappointments, unexpected set back, hurry, stress, tiredness, or just not feeling well.

You have a choice. You don’t have to speak those words.

The Bible says: “The words of a wise man’s mouth are gracious.” Ecclesiastes 10:12

The word ‘man’ as used here means all people, man, woman, boy, girl.

And you are wise, aren’t you? Of course, you are. God has given you a measure of wisdom, and you can exercise it.

So what does it mean to say gracious words? It’s kindness, generosity of spirit. Not exact revenge, not give out what it deserved. When some one says or does something that deserves harshness – instead show them grace, refuse to be that harsh person. Instead if rationalizing and justifying a harsh response that a person may well deserve, instead show kindness, speak graciously.

You can do this. You are wise. Yes, you really are.