
What do you really want?

There are lots of things you want. But what do you really want? What are you willing to work for, sacrifice for, press toward with patience and perseverance?  The things you will put first, above other things.

Not just that. But which do you want more that the other? The answer makes a monumental difference in how you live your life. And in the results, you will have in your life.

No one can tell you what your priorities are – or should be. Only you know that, in the secrets of your heart. Be honest with yourself and name the priorities. Talk to God about them. Lay your heart out before Him. What you want will change over time. That’s ok, that’s good. It shows you learn and grow.

Once you have a good idea of what you really want, think about which is more important than the other. This is hard. Really hard. They are all important to you, and they are all interrelated. By prioritizing it will help you focus and drive your choices.

Some examples may be helpful. Remember only you can decide what your priorities are, so these are only examples. In our example, let’s say the priorities have been identified as: 1. Relationship with God. 2. Health. 3. Financial security.

Now the opportunity comes along to work 80 hours weeks and make more money! That’s great! Then it starts hurting your health. Stop. What are your priorities? If you said health is more important to you than financial security, then you will have to stop putting financial security ahead of your health.

Using that same example, remember you do have to balance your priorities. If health is the more important than financial security, a choice would be to not work, spend all your time taking care of your health. Spend your time sleeping, relaxing, working out, preparing nutritious foods. This is not a good choice. In the long run, you won’t have the resources to benefit your health, and your health will suffer. Your priority of financial security will also become no priority. So balance. But make wise choices in the order of your priorities.

Talk to God about your priorities. Order your life toward those priorities.

Bible verses to ponder:

For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? – Mark 8:36

Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyself. – Luke 10:27