There is not a person who has not sinned. It’s the sin nature that entered the human race with Adam.
Sometimes intentional sin. Sometimes inability to do different. Sometimes mistakes. Sometimes failure in the moment. Sometimes just doing what we think is the best, and then looking back on it, and wishing we had done better.
Good news! God can, and will, forgive all.
1 John 1:9 “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.”
There is one hard part of that verse: to confess, i.e., acknowledge our sins. Many refuse to do that. It’s in our nature to try to justify ourselves, try to explain ourselves, try to find reasons. Regardless of the reasons, the first step of forgiveness is to acknowledge sin.
It’s painful.
– What are the areas you know you have sinned in?
– What are the areas you might have sinned in?
– What are the areas you could have done better in?
– In what areas have you failed in? failed yourself?
Failed your family? Your children? Your friends?
– In what areas have you hurt people?
Maybe even those closest to you?
It’s painful. But it’s ok, because God forgives.
Jesus Christ paid the price for every transgression at Calvary.
Isaiah 43:25 “I, even I, am he who blots out your transgressions, for my own sake, and remembers your sins no more..”
Thank God, He forgives! Why does He forgive? Because of who you are? No, because of who He is. “for my own sake”, because His nature is love, grace, goodness and mercy.
And He forgets! And remembers your sins no more. That is, He forgives, and He chooses to never remember them again. He never holds them against you. Never.
Your life has had struggles. You’ve done some bad things. You’ve failed.
Acknowledge to God your failures, ask forgiveness through Jesus Christ.
Accept God’s forgiveness. Then forgive yourself.