“Be still and know that I am God” – Psalms 46:10
Life can be busy. A lot going on. Sometimes it seems there is no time to gather yourself, to reflect.
Spending time to reflect is important. It can help ground yourself, remind you of what is important, and experience the presence of God.
Other religions and philosophies promote ‘meditation’, and sometimes leave a bad impression with Christians, maybe because sometimes the promoters of the mediation want the goal to be ‘nothingness’ or ‘knowing yourself’. Just because others may use the tool for various purposes, that doesn’t mean Christians can not rightly use the tool.
The goal of Christian mediation or ‘being still’ is to spend time with God.
Different from prayer, which is of course important. Different from reflecting on scripture, which is of course important. It’s just spending time in the presence of God, commune with God, enjoy His presence, feel His Spirit, being open to hear His voice.
There is no formula, no ritual, no prescribed way. No one can tell you how you should spend time with God. No right and wrong way to do that. It’s your time to spend alone with just you and God.
It doesn’t need to be a long time. Set a time and try spending 5 minutes being still with God. You may get valuable benefits.