If we love our neighbor as ourselves, we must let go of all envy of our neighbor, seek our neighbor’s good, and rejoice in our neighbor’s good. Seek their good sincerely and generously.
God gave His all for you by giving Jesus to redeem you. God in His great love and goodness seeks the best for you. And He seeks the best for your neighbor. We want to follow God, and therefore we want to learn to always seek the good of our neighbor.
Your neighbors good does not diminish your enjoyment whatsoever.
Let’s say that again. Nothing good that your neighbor has, or good that happens to your neighbor diminishes your enjoyment whatsoever. Your neighbor may have great wealth, prosperity, good luck, success, honor, talents, wisdom, skills, abilities, good looks, family, relationships. That does not diminish you whatsoever.
Do you tend to resent your neighbor’s good? Recognize it in your spirit and reject it. Ask God to help you to always seek the good of your neighbor.
Do good to all people.
“As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.” – Galatians 6:10