The Excellent Way

The foundation of Christian faith is love. First, love to God. Second, love to our neighbor. We know that Christ died to pay for our sins, and restore a right relationship with God. Because of our gratitude we want to be become Christ-like. We see in Christ complete excellence, complete beauty, complete loving-kindness, complete goodwill toward us, that we are drawn toward that spirit, we thirst for that love, and to be a part of that love.

Love is the disposition by which one is dear to another. The objects of love are God and other people.

Genuine and real love to God and other people is essential as we grow in Christ and walk with Christ. It is not something that we want to choose to practice now and then, when it is convenient, or when we want to impress others. As we practice this Christian virtue, it will become a part of our nature. It is of course part of the nature of God, of Christ, it’s who they are.

We will of course sometimes fail to be in that love. But God knows our heart. The important thing is He knows in our heart, we sincerely want to follow God and show His love.

The more we know about God, the more we will want to follow the way Christ, the way of love.

After speaking of great spiritual gifts, the scripture expands on the concept by stating in 1 Corinthians 12:31 “yet shew (show) unto you a more excellent way”.

Let’s seek to follow that excellent way.