Christ Died for Our Sins

Why did Jesus Christ die? The answer is given plainly in I Corinthians 13:3 “Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures”.

If there was any other way to God, another way to have forgiveness of sins, Christ would not have died. He would have just directed us to the other way. It is reasonable to think that he did not enjoy being brutally beaten, hanged on a cross, endure the pain and suffering until he died. Only if it was absolutely necessary. And he deemed it absolutely necessary.

Some do great good works, hoping to prove to themselves and to others that they are a good person. Make no mistake – good works are highly commended in the scriptures! But good works will never make a person good. Good comes from the heart, a heart that has trusted in the finished work of Christ to pay for all sin.

Declared Cleansed! Redeemed! Set free! By the only one who paid the price and has the right to do so – Jesus Christ!

Joy unspeakable!