Live it!

Live it like you are convinced of it!

When you truly believe something, then your behavior (actions, practice) will flow from the belief.

When you are convinced without a doubt of a concept, your actions will follow because you believe it be so.

If a man tells you to give him one dollar, and he will return to you one thousand dollars, if you are wholeheartedly convinced it is true, then you will give the dollar. You would have to be convinced of the character and nature of the person – that they want your good, that they are honest and since and will not lie, and that they have the ability to do as they promise.

Are you convinced of the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ? Convinced of His sufficiency to meet your needs? In this world in and in the world to come?

Then you will live in a way that reflects that belief. Truly know that the character of God is love, that He works for your good, and He is sufficient to meet all your needs. You will unfeigned love to God and to your neighbor.

How you live reflects what you really believe. Think of “works” as behavior, actions, your practice. “Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without they works, and I will will shew they my faith by my works.” James 2:18 KJV